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Acer platanoides Deborah 16-18.jpg


We are experiencing a change in the climate worldwide. The increase in extreme weather situations, such as late frosts, prolonged periods of heat and drought, hurricane-like storms and heavy rain, is obvious. A carefully considered selection of plants creates sustainable greenery that can cope better with radiation, heat, limited root space, storms or long-term wet conditions.

As early as 2009, we set up test quarters at the Lorberg tree nursery to simulate stress tests. Based on these long-term test results, the GALK tree list and the collaboration with the following institutions, we have compiled a list of good to very good tree recommendations for you.

  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Berliner Hochschule für Technik
  • Institut für Erwerbs- und Freizeitgartenbau, Veitshöchheim
  • LLG Quedlinburg

Our Climate Trees assortment

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