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Salt Dough Flower Pendants – Summer Will Be Colorful!

In summer, plants display their most beautiful flowers. There’s hardly a spot in the garden that isn’t adorned with lovely blooms. And even if there are, beautiful flowers can still bring a summery vibe to those areas.

Pretty flowers and salt dough go perfectly together, as they can be used to create lovely pendants that bring summer to even the barest spots in the garden. All you need are flour, water, salt, and a variety of summer flowers.

Preparing the dough

The best thing about salt dough? It's incredibly quick and easy to make. In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, and 1 cup of salt. You can do this either with a hand mixer and dough hooks or simply with your fingers. Knead the ingredients until a smooth and pliable salt dough forms. If the ingredients don't come together or the dough becomes too runny, just add a little more water or flour, depending on what’s needed to achieve a smooth dough. Once the salt dough is ready, it can be rolled out thinly on a floured surface. If you want to work outside in the summer, you can use a large wooden board to roll out the salt dough.

Placing the flowers

To create beautiful flower-shaped tags from salt dough, cookie cutters are used. If desired, you can also create your own shapes, or if you don’t have cookie cutters, you can use glasses or cups instead. The sky's the limit for creativity. Speaking of creativity: it's time to get creative, as the different summer flowers will now be used. Simply cut them just below the heads and press them deeply into the cut-out salt dough shapes. If the flowers still have a little stem at the head, it will help keep them secure in the tags, preventing them from falling out later. You can also use a pointed object to press additional beautiful patterns into the salt dough.

Finishing the tags

To turn the flower shapes into actual flower tags, a hole needs to be punched in each shape for hanging. A straw works particularly well for this, as it punches a perfect hole out of the salt dough. To ensure the flowers still look beautiful once the salt dough has dried, the tags are not baked in the oven as is typical with salt dough. Instead, they are left to air dry. This process takes longer but helps retain more moisture in the flowers, preventing them from drying out too quickly. Once dried, the tags can be strung onto a piece of string and hung in the garden or indoors. A little tip: if you use lavender for the salt dough tags, you’ll also get a wonderful scent experience!

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