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Allium – low-maintenance ornamental garlic as garden decoration

Traditionally, onions and garlic are used in the kitchen. The plants find their place in the vegetable garden. Ornamental garlic, on the other hand, is especially admired for its bloom.

They are indispensable in the kitchen: vegetable onions, garlic, leeks, chives, and other onion plants are essential flavor enhancers for various dishes. However, those who only wait for the plants to become usable miss out on their full beauty. Onions and leeks bloom with beautiful flower heads in white, purple, and violet. Those who appreciate this will be pleased to know that new ornamental garlic varieties continue to find their way into flower beds and borders.

Ornamental garlic – too beautiful for the vegetable garden

Ornamental garlic in flower beds, depending on the species, displays delicate bells or large flower spheres. It blooms from February to September, often rising above the heads of neighboring plants. To help it reach its full potential, plant this delicate yet impressive plant next to ornamental grasses and low-growing perennials, where it will create striking accents. As is often the case with beautiful flowers, ornamental garlic can be a bit of a diva. However, it can generally be considered low-maintenance. Most species of Allium prefer nutrient-rich soil in a sunny location, although a shaded area under trees, shrubs, or hedges usually doesn't bother them. When partnered with wild garlic and bellflower garlic, ornamental garlic becomes a visual enhancement for these darker spots.

Planting ornamental garlic – Autumn is bulb planting time.

Ornamental garlic bulbs are planted in the autumn. To do this, dig a planting hole that accommodates the bulbs fully. The depth should be approximately three times the diameter of the bulb. Adding some organic fertilizer gives the plants an initial energy boost, allowing them to bloom in early spring and transform the garden into a colorful sea of flowers. Allium bulbs can be treated just like tulips, daffodils, and others. The requirements of these bulb plants are all more or less the same. When the ornamental garlic develops its first green leaves in spring, it is recommended to add some more organic fertilizer. This ensures consistently beautiful, strong, and blooming plants. If there is an excess of ornamental garlic blooms, you can simply dig up the extra bulbs. If stored properly, the bulbs can be reused later.

Allium for every location

There are different varieties of Allium: small dwarfs and large giants. The smaller varieties grow only about 15-30 cm tall and are mainly used in rock gardens or for the border planting of flower beds. Particularly popular are the Blue Tongue Allium, which blooms not only in blue but also in white despite its name, as well as the yellow Gold Allium. Together, they provide an attractive contrast. Alternatively, the carmine-red Rose Allium is a good option. The giants among the ornamental allium varieties grow up to 150 cm tall, making them even larger than some ornamental shrubs. They are the perfect focal point and create distinctive accents in the garden. Whether Allium 'Forelock', Allium giganteum, Allium 'Gladiator', or Allium 'Ambassador', they are all a fascinating sight with their mostly purple flowers.






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