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A few things to keep in mind when planting summer bulbs!

When planting summer bulbs, excitement grows for the greenery and blooming in the warm season, even though some work is required.

Every effort pays off double! Planting summer bulbs is so rewarding because the work involved is rewarded with a blooming display of vibrant colors.

Watch out when planting summer bulbs!

Blooming flowers are as much a part of the warm season as the sun and clear skies. To enjoy this beauty, hobby gardeners should plant their summer bulbs at the right time. Although the weather in April can be unpredictable, it is the optimal month for planting. First, the small bundles of energy, which will soon sprout into vibrant beauty, need the right living conditions. Some prefer a sunny spot, while others thrive in the shade. It's best to check the packaging instructions! Soil composition also plays a key role when planting summer bulbs. Not all bulbs like their roots in sandy soil, and some prefer more clay. As a general rule: Too much moisture is undesirable.

Keep unwanted guests out

Planting summer bulbs isn't just popular with humans. Annoying garden creatures like snails and mice are eagerly waiting for the botanical treats to arrive in the soil. So, it's best to initially plant them in pots and store them in a protected area. Once fresh greenery starts to sprout, continue planting the summer bulbs in the designated bed. Once in their summer home, the young plants want to grow healthily. To help with this, they receive fresh water in the morning hours, allowing them to enjoy it throughout the day. Additionally, pathogens won't find favorable conditions in the soil since the ground dries well during the day.

Plant summer bulbs in May

To ensure nothing is missed when planting summer bulbs, cover the delicate plants well at night to prevent hungry animals from getting to them. While windflowers, lilies, and similar plants are quite robust, the diverse dahlias and popular begonias are more sensitive. When planting their summer bulbs, wait until after the Ice Saints. One last tip: Bulbs aren't loners, so always plant them in groups.

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