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Baumschule Lorberg Tagetes slider.jpg

Soil Health in Our Tree Nursery

Plant health starts in the soil. That's why we ensure that the areas for the planting and replanting of our trees are well-prepared. So-called cover crops gently and sustainably prepare our soils. With their long, fine roots, they create a loose, well-aerated soil. Additionally, a dense cover crop stand shades the soil and suppresses weeds. This directly leads to a reduction in weed control measures in the following months. By incorporating the cover crop, the soil is naturally enriched with nutrients.

Cover Crops in Use
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With its rapid growth, hemp naturally suppresses competing weeds. The plant and root residues left in the soil promote soil life and improve soil structure. Its dense root system makes efficient use of the nutrient reserves in the soil and, after decomposition, easily transfers them to the subsequent crop.

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Phacelia binds nitrogen in the soil, making it an ideal green manure plant. It has the ability to deter pests, and its flowers provide a valuable food source for beneficial insects. Bees, bumblebees, butterflies, and hoverflies, in particular, love Phacelia.

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Oil radish

Oil radish is a fast-growing plant that helps to improve soil structure and suppress weeds. Its deep root system breaks up compacted soil, promoting better water infiltration and root growth for subsequent crops. Additionally, oil radish is an excellent green manure, contributing organic matter to the soil as it decomposes.

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Marigold (Tagetes) is known for its ability to repel certain pests, making it a natural pest control agent in the garden. Its roots release compounds that can inhibit the growth of harmful nematodes in the soil. The vibrant flowers also attract beneficial insects, such as pollinators, while the plant itself adds a burst of color to any garden.

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