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Resista® elms – strong trees for cities and streets

Imagine a green and healthy city where trees not only beautify the cityscape, but also improve the climate, provide clean air and promote biodiversity. Resista® elms make exactly that possible. These specially bred elms are not only beautiful to look at, but also particularly robust, easy to care for and adaptable - ideal as city trees, for avenues and private gardens. They are available in selected tree nurseries such as Lorberg and offer a selection of varieties that are tailored to different site conditions and needs.

The urban green of the future

Resista® elms are the result of intensive breeding efforts to combat Dutch elm disease - a disease that has decimated elm populations worldwide since the 1920s due to the fungus Ophiostoma ulmi and the elm bark beetle. The elm bark beetle is a particularly dangerous vector of the disease: when feeding under the bark of damaged elm trees, the beetle larvae come into contact with the deadly fungal spores. This fungal infection clogs the elm's water-bearing vessels, cutting off the water supply and causing the tree to die. The fungus can be transmitted directly to neighboring trees via the roots.

The Resista® elms, which have developed a high tolerance to Dutch elm disease, combine the best characteristics of different elm species. They are characterized by their particular robustness and vitality and have proven themselves as long-lasting and resilient trees for cities and landscapes. Elms have always played an important role as important cultural and landscape trees in Europe. Resista® elms were developed not only to overcome the effects of Dutch elm disease, but also to address the challenges of climate change. They are resistant to environmental stress and, with their stable root system, contribute to improving the urban climate and soil quality, making them an ideal choice for the urban green of the future.


Proven quality and tested durability

Resista® elms have proven themselves for over 50 years in North America and over 35 years in Europe. They have been tested at numerous locations and have proven to be tolerant to Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma novo-ulmi). This tolerance is regularly checked through infection tests with the most virulent pathogens. Since 1993, more than 75,000 Resista® elms of the ‘New Horizon’ variety have been planted without a new case of Dutch elm disease being documented.

Each Resista® elm is also grown on its own roots according to strict quality standards. This controlled cultivation ensures that the trees grow resistant and healthy. A certificate proves the tested breeder quality of the Resista® elms, which are registered under the brand in Europe. Thanks to this long-term, targeted breeding work, they stand for the highest resistance and quality.

Urban climate tolerant, adaptable and robust in city traffic

Resista® elms are ideally equipped to meet the challenges of urban climate change. They thrive in compacted soils as well as in radiantly hot, air-dry locations. They are also windproof, stable, frost hardy and have proven to be very resistant to flooding, including salt water. This makes them an excellent choice for urban and waterfront plantings.

Resista® elms are not only easy to care for, their foliage also rots quickly and they do not produce large fruits or honeydew. They also help keep the air clean by filtering fine dust. They are also very resistant to minor injuries from road traffic and regenerate quickly, making them ideal urban trees.


Varieties and their special properties

Resista® elms come in different varieties, each with specific characteristics and suitable for different location requirements and planting projects. Here we focus on the most popular varieties, which are characterized by their robustness, adaptability and low maintenance requirements:

Resista® elm 'New Horizon'

'New Horizon' is a fast-growing, medium-sized tree that grows up to 25 meters tall and around 10 meters wide. With its dense, broad pyramidal crown and straight trunk that extends into the crown, it gives structure and elegance to every avenue and every urban space. It is particularly tolerant of urban climates and also thrives in extreme locations such as hot and air-dry inner city locations. 'New Horizon' is ideal for demanding urban plantings.

  • Resistance to Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi)
  • Tolerance of extreme location and urban climate conditions
  • High road salt tolerance, windproof, frost hardy and drought stress tolerant
  • Good neighbor trees as they produce little foliage and filter fine dust

Resista® elm 'Rebona'

The 'Rebona' is also a fast-growing elm that grows up to 25 meters high. It has a broad, conical crown and is characterized by flat, overhanging branches. This variety is very versatile and thrives in almost all soils, including compacted and poorly ventilated substrates. It is windproof, break-proof and particularly tolerant of urban climates and flooding - ideal for avenue and street planting.

  • Resistance to Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi)
  • Good adaptation to the urban climate, high road salt and drought stress tolerance
  • Especially suitable for locations near the coast and areas at risk of flooding

Resista® elm 'Fiorente'

'Fiorente' is a medium to large elm that stands out for its fast and upright growth. It develops a pyramidal crown with steeply rising branches and moderate lateral branching. The 'Fiorente' is characterized by its shiny green foliage, which stays on the branches for a long time even in autumn. This variety is resistant to Dutch elm disease and very resistant to wind and drought. Due to its rapid growth and excellent wood quality, it is also suitable for the production of fine wood.

  • Resistance to Dutch elm disease caused by Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi
  • Very good wind and drought stress tolerance
  • Fast and vigorous growth, ideal for city and park plantings as well as for wood production

Resista® elms – the ideal choice for a sustainable and green cityscape

The varieties 'New Horizon', 'Rebona' and 'Fiorente' offer excellent selection for a variety of planting projects in urban and rural environments. Their tolerance to diseases, their ability to adapt to different locations and their low maintenance requirements make them the perfect choice for sustainable and future-oriented greening projects.

Resista®-Ulmen-Sorten im Vergleich

Eigenschaft ‘New Horizon’ ‘Rebona’ ‘Fiorente’
Höhe Bis 25 m Bis 25 m Bis 25 m
Breite Bis 10 m 8-10 m 4-6 m
Wuchsform Breit-pyramidal Breit-kegelförmig Pyramidal
Toleranz gegen Ulmenkrankheit Sehr hoch Sehr hoch Sehr hoch
Stadtklimatoleranz Sehr hoch Sehr hoch Hoch
Trockenstresstoleranz Hoch Hoch Sehr hoch
Besonderheit Streusalztolerant, windfest Geeignet für Küstennähe Schnelles Wachstum, Edelholzproduktion

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