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Lorberg Pflanzen Forschung Slider.png

Trees 4 Streets – Rooted Trees for Urban Spaces

The goal of the project is to identify and select individual trees with positive traits and propagate them using an in-vitro method in tree nursery practices for the production of current street tree varieties.

As a result, plants of current street and avenue tree varieties will be produced, which are rooted on their own roots and exhibit exceptional stress tolerances.

These drought, salt, heat, and late frost-tolerant trees are cultivated together with other project partners into attractive standards. The advantage over traditional selection through generations of trees is that tree varieties can be identified and produced in large quantities in a short period of time.

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Around 150 clones of noticeably healthy and vigorous street trees in challenging site conditions were selected. The collected plant material was then propagated using an in-vitro method and grown into small seedlings. Even at this stage, the first selection based on physiological characteristics took place.


In a rapid testing procedure, these seedlings were tested for salt, drought stress, heat, nutrient excess, nutrient deficiency, and cold tolerance, and plants were selected based on their adaptation potential. The plants obtained in this way are then cultivated and acclimatized until they reach a size of about 10 cm. A second round of adaptation tests/rapid tests is then conducted to assess their suitability.

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We take over the plants as strong saplings and plant them with special labeling in designated areas within the nursery. The production goal is to grow stress-tolerant street trees for use in typical urban situations.

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