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Quercus palustris (5).JPG

Plant of the Month November 2024: Quercus palustris (Swamp Oak)

A natural gem for parks and gardens

This month we present to you the fascinating swamp oak, also known asQuercus palustris. This robust, fast-growing tree is particularly popular because of its impressive autumn color and elegant, horizontally growing branches.

Description and growth

Die Quercus palustris (swamp oak) is ideal for parks, gardens and as a street tree. With a height of up to 25 meters and a narrow crown, it brings structure and color to any green area. The characteristic leaves are deeply cut and change to gorgeous red tones in autumn, making them a real eye-catcher.

  • Growth height: 20- 25 meters
  • Growth width: 14 - 18 meters
  • Growth speed: 20 - 30 cm annual growth
  • Form: Conical crown, straight trunk

Quercus palustris 40-50 - Pflanzbeispiel Karl-Pokern-Straße (4)-2.JPG

Ecological Significance

The Quercus palustris is not only visually attractive, but also offers ecological added value. It serves as a habitat and food source for numerous birds and insects and is particularly valuable for bird protection. Inconspicuous, yellow-green flowers bloom in spring, blending harmoniously into nature.

Autumn color and fruit

Quercus palustris is characterized by its unique, irregular leaves with pointed lobes. These are shiny green on both sides and take on an impressive scarlet color in autumn, making the tree a real eye-catcher. Its fruits are almost hemispherical and are surrounded by up to a third of a fruit cup, which gives the Quercus palustris a special look and sets it apart from other oak species.

  • Fruits: almost hemispherical, up to a third surrounded by a fruit cup.
  • Leaf color: light green in summer, autumn color from orange to red

Quercus palustris (2)-2.JPG

Quercus palustris (6)-2.JPG

Location and care: Undemanding and adaptable

The Quercus palustris grows best in sunny locations and prefers well-drained, moist soils. Nutrient-rich and slightly acidic soils, which offer the tree optimal growth conditions, are ideal. Despite its robustness, the Quercus palustris appreciates regular watering in prolonged drought and remains tolerant of cutting, which makes its care particularly uncomplicated. It is hardy down to -28 °C and is therefore ideally adapted to the Central European climate.

  • Location: Sunny
  • Soil: Prefers nutrient-rich and slightly acidic, but can adapt to different soils
  • Water requirements: Medium, tolerates both dry and moist soils
  • Frost hardiness: Climate zone 5, hardy down to -28 °C
  • Care: Tolerable to cutting, regular watering recommended in persistent drought
  • Use: Ideal as Solitary tree, in parks, rows of trees and for urban greening
  • Special properties: Impressive autumn color, drought-tolerant, hardy

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