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Trees and Shrubs in Spring – It Doesn’t Always Have to Be Flowers

A garden is not only made beautiful by blooming flowers in the bed. Of course, they play an important part, but trees and shrubs are just as important as flowers.

Although trees and shrubs need some attention and care, especially in spring, the effort is rewarded with beautiful shapes, flowers, and fruits. It's easy to care for these green garden residents.

Needles upon needles

Coniferous shrubs actually fit into any garden. They really shine in topiary gardens, but they also look great in any other garden. Pines are popular coniferous plants for gardens. If you have pines in your garden that shouldn't grow too large, you can prune them into compact bushes. This way, pines become small shrubs that don't take up too much space in the garden. To achieve this, the soft shoots are cut back by about half in spring. The pruning encourages the formation of plenty of buds, which will then sprout throughout the year. This makes the shrubs grow more compactly and helps them integrate better into the garden. Other coniferous plants like spruces, cypresses, or firs can also be shaped by pruning in spring. It doesn't necessarily have to be a rider on a horse, but a well-shaped conifer always looks great and adds variety to the bed.

Fresh fruit from your own garden

Autumn is generally considered the ideal time to plant fruit trees. However, fruit trees can also be planted well in spring. They are often sold as container plants, which means they can theoretically be planted throughout the entire year. So, spring planting works just as smoothly. It's important, though, that fruit trees are watered adequately during and after planting. Only then will they establish well and be able to prepare for winter. When fruit trees are planted in autumn, the rain ensures sufficient water supply. In summer, however, fruit trees need to be watered regularly. Whether the first fruits develop after planting depends on how advanced the trees are at the time of planting. With a bit of luck, you may already see the first treats growing on the branches in summer and autumn. Any unharvested fruits can then be left on the trees and shrubs. These serve as a good food source for the garden’s wildlife, helping them prepare for winter. This way, the garden owner not only enjoys fresh fruit but also does something beneficial for the garden's helpful creatures.

Beautiful blooming wonders

For those who can't do without stunning blooms, ornamental shrubs offer many beautiful flowering bushes for the garden. The rhododendron is a classic among ornamental shrubs and should actually not be missing in any garden. However, since it has some specific soil requirements, it is important to mix special rhododendron soil when planting. Rhododendrons require a lot of iron, and if there isn’t enough available, the leaves will turn yellow. In this case, a dose of iron fertilizer is enough to make the rhododendron happy again. Hydrangeas also need a little care in spring to show off their beautiful blooms throughout the summer. After the ice saints (around mid-May), the old flower heads of hydrangeas are removed, and dead or frozen shoots are cut back. A radical cut should be avoided with hydrangeas, as this would prevent new growth. Once the temperatures rise again, hydrangeas first show their green leaves and later, until late autumn, their unique and impressive flowers.

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