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The Indoor Garden – A Small Biotope in Glass

If you love greenery in your home but aren't the most reliable gardener, you don't have to give up on houseplants. While many plants can tolerate occasional care mistakes, an indoor garden practically takes care of itself.

Once watered, this small biotope in glass becomes a self-sustaining ecosystem. Many beautiful plants can thrive in it, requiring only a jar with a clasp, gravel, plants, soil, and decorative elements.

Not all containers are the same

For the biotope to sustain itself, the container must be airtight. A jar with a clasp is ideal—after all, what keeps jam fresh inside can't be bad for plants. The container should also be transparent to ensure the plants get enough light.

Once you've found the right container, it must be disinfected and thoroughly cleaned before planting. This prevents bacteria from spreading inside the biotope, which could cause the plants to rot or die. The best method is to rinse both the container and the stones used for drainage with boiling water.

The Right Interior Setup

Next, add a layer of stones about 2 centimeters high into the jar. On top of that, add a layer of soil that should be twice as thick as the layer of gravel. To prepare the biotope for its new inhabitants, create small indentations in the soil where the plants will be placed.

For this mini ecosystem, plants that thrive in humidity are ideal. A useful tip: native forest plants, such as ferns, love the moist environment inside a biotope. After planting, press the soil firmly around the roots to provide stability. Adding a layer of moss on top makes the biotope greener and healthier, as moss retains moisture and helps maintain optimal conditions for the plants.

The Little Garden in a Jar

Finally, the biotope can be enhanced with small stones, branches, or other decorative elements. A pair of tweezers is especially useful for delicate adjustments inside the jar. Once everything is set up, the biotope is watered—just enough to keep the soil moist without letting the plants sit in standing water.

To allow the biotope to settle, leave it open for at least three days before sealing the lid airtight. Now, careful observation is key: a healthy biotope will develop condensation on the inner walls in the morning, which evaporates throughout the day. If moisture remains on the glass all day, leave the jar open for a few more days to allow excess water to evaporate. If no condensation forms at all, the biotope is too dry and needs additional watering. Placed in a bright but not directly sunny spot, the biotope will thrive and sustain itself with minimal maintenance.

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