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Out into the Fresh Air – Summer Vacation for Houseplants

Frische Luft und Sonne auf der Haut sind die besten Momente im Sommer. Und wie dem Hobbygärtner geht es auch den Pflanzen. Zimmerpflanzen mögen im Sommer auch einen Urlaub an der frischen Luft.

Obwohl Zimmerpflanzen nicht umsonst Zimmerpflanzen heißen, mögen sie auch einen Sommerurlaub an der frischen Luft. Auch wenn es einiges zu beachten gibt, können die geliebten Zimmerpflanzen im Sommer ruhig an die frische Luft auf den Balkon oder die Terrasse.

Houseplants don’t get their name without reason. But especially in the summer, these indoor dwellers enjoy some fresh air and a few sun rays. The exact right time for houseplants to go outside can’t be determined universally. However, it’s definitely recommended to wait until after the "Eisheiligen" (frost saints), as houseplants are not frost-resistant. That’s no surprise, considering the temperatures in the house rarely drop below 0 degrees, right? So, when it’s warm enough outside and no late frosts are expected, houseplants can enjoy the fresh air. If you want to be extra cautious, you can place your houseplants outside in June. But every vacation comes to an end, and after summer, it’s time for houseplants to return indoors. There’s no exact time to bring them back inside, but it’s better to do it sooner than too late. If the temperatures drop too much, the plants could suffer damage and return from their summer vacation sick. And no one wants that, right?

Vacation is not only good for people but also for plants. And while houseplants don’t mind staying indoors during the summer, a vacation outdoors has some advantages. Outside, houseplants get more light and better air. They also enjoy the occasional rain shower. Plants of all kinds love rainwater, and the rain naturally washes off some of the dust from their leaves. You can tell the plants are thriving by the lush green of their leaves and the increased flower production. Houseplants that must remain indoors during this time won’t grow as vigorously as their counterparts on summer vacation. This doesn’t depend on when the houseplants bloom. Houseplants that bloom in summer will produce more flowers and grow stronger when placed outside. Houseplants that bloom in winter can gather new strength outdoors and prepare for the blooming period in winter. So, a summer vacation is definitely worthwhile.

In order for the vacation to truly be a vacation for houseplants and not end in illness, there are a few things to keep in mind. It’s usually not windy indoors, so houseplants are not accustomed to a stiff breeze blowing through their leaves. Therefore, when placed outdoors, they should be placed in a wind-protected location. When the plants first go outside, they should be placed in the shade. Just like humans need to get used to the sun in summer, houseplants need to adjust as well. Those that like sunny spots indoors can later be moved to a sunny spot outdoors. Cacti, succulents, and Mediterranean plants particularly enjoy the sun. Azaleas, ferns, begonias, camellias, and hydrangeas prefer to stay in the shade. Tropical houseplants that need a constant temperature above 17 degrees should skip the summer vacation outdoors. For these plants, a day trip outdoors would be ideal.






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