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Alpenveilchen, timeless classics

Some find them boring, others love them – the cyclamens. Many species of the original genus are native to the Mediterranean region, but the well-known potted plant comes from the Alps, which gave it its name. This so-called indoor cyclamen originates from Asia Minor.

The potted plant for the garden.

The most well-known cyclamens are used as potted plants for indoor spaces. They bloom in many colors and bring joy to their owners even in the cold season. However, they can also be planted outdoors – but the usual hybrids are not frost-hardy and are only suitable for the garden in the summer. There are, however, special species that can survive even harsh frosts. One example is the Anatolian cyclamen. Those who prefer this type should buy small tubers from nurseries and avoid digging up the soil at the planting site. After a while, the cyclamens will form thick carpets with beautiful flowers.

Bring the potted plant to bloom again.

The cyclamen in the room blooms from autumn to spring. After that, you can either throw it away or try to keep it alive and ensure it blooms again in the fall. By June at the latest, the leaves turn yellow, and then watering should stop. The foliage is removed, and the pots should be placed in a dry and cool spot. With a bit of luck, the plant will start sprouting again at the beginning of autumn. This is the time for repotting. The old soil should be removed, and the plant should be given fresh, new soil. From this point on, the cyclamen prefers to be kept in a bright and cool location with moderate moisture. Afterward, it can be brought back into the room, where it will start blooming again.

Watering the cyclamen

Wie bei manchen anderen Topfpflanzen auch (z. B. Usambaraveilchen) sollte man den Topf niemals „normal“ gießen, sondern immer nur in den Untersetzer ober Übertopf Wasser einfüllen. Um Staunässe zu vermeiden, gießt man das übrig gebliebene Wasser nach rund 20 Minuten ab. Die Temperatur darf nicht zu hoch liegen – Alpenveilchen lieben zwischen 12 und 16 Grad.

Propagation of cyclamen

As with some other potted plants (e.g., African violets), the pot should never be watered "normally," but water should always be added to the saucer or outer pot. To avoid waterlogging, the remaining water should be drained after about 20 minutes. The temperature should not be too high – cyclamen prefer temperatures between 12 and 16 degrees.






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