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Aloe Vera - the plant that makes you beautiful

Ornamental plant and beauty elixir, natural medicine and dietary supplement – that’s Aloe vera. And on top of that, it brings fresh greenery to the windowsill during the dreary winter days!

From the deserts of the Orient, it has made its way into our gardens and homes: Aloe vera, also known as the desert lily. The common name is fitting, as it thrives under the harsh conditions of its barren habitat, producing vibrant flowers and strong leaves. To achieve this, it has developed a unique biological composition of active ingredients. Natural healers have been taking advantage of this for thousands of years to benefit humans.

Wellness trend with tradition

Since ancient Egypt, the desert lily has been regarded as a miracle remedy: it was revered as the plant of immortality – even Cleopatra is said to have trusted its rejuvenating power. In the Hellenistic Empire, Alexander the Great treated not only his wounded soldiers but even himself with it, and in ancient Rome, the spiny lily plant was used as a medicinal and cosmetic elixir for all types of skin injuries, from frostbite and rashes to ulcers. Today, modern research confirms the folk belief. Over a hundred vital substances have been identified in the succulent, which, in their combination, are unique in medicine and cosmetics.

Special mixture of substances

First, there is a high proportion of amino acids that help counteract metabolic disorders, which can address health and cosmetic issues like hair loss or deep wrinkles. Then, there is a wide range of vitamins, especially C and E, which are powerful anti-aging weapons against free radicals. Additionally, there are minerals and trace elements that help balance the water content, reducing skin dryness. Among the numerous secondary plant compounds in Aloe vera, salicylic acid is the most well-known and effective for conditions like psoriasis, neurodermatitis, or eczema. Finally, its enzymes support the body's cells in defending against harmful environmental influences, boosting the immune system. However, the star of its complex biochemical composition is a rare polysaccharide called Acemannan. Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal, it serves as a natural firewall against viruses, fungi, and parasites, helping with conditions like arthritis, Candida, and gastritis both internally and externally.

Fresh instead of ready-made product.

With so much plant power, it's no wonder that the flower from the Orient has now been processed—and marketed—by nutrition experts, biochemists, and pharmacologists into all kinds of shakes and juices, powders and capsules, creams and shampoos. But caution: These products often contain only a small or low-quality portion of the original plant, which may lose even more effectiveness due to preservation. Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends: It's best to use the gel from a freshly cut leaf! Fortunately, you don't need to travel to Asia or Africa for this; you can easily grow and harvest the desert lily at home.

Growing Without Effort

Among the 300 species worldwide, Aloe barbadensis miller is crucial for phytotherapy. Its cultivation is quite easy, with the only sensitivity being in watering. It cannot tolerate waterlogging, so it's important to water moderately and ensure proper drainage. Otherwise, this survivor plant is tough. It only needs nutrient-poor soil, perhaps enhanced with sand, gravel, and perlite, or a ready-made substrate for succulents and cacti, along with a little universal or cactus fertilizer every two to four weeks. While it prefers a dry, warm, and bright location, it also thrives in partial shade, both indoors and outdoors. Aloe vera can do it all: as a houseplant in winter, serving as minimalist leaf decor in modern rooms, in a pot on balconies and terraces from spring, or in garden beds, such as in rock gardens. Wherever it is, give it space, as it grows very quickly and produces many offshoots – and in summer, it blooms with lovely yellow flower spikes that can reach up to 50 centimeters long.

Green Medicine Cabinet

You can enjoy the leaf rosette all year round as both a decorative plant and a beauty and medicinal remedy: Simply cut off one of the fleshy leaves and use the cut end to dab onto the skin or use a knife to extract the gel from the leaf and apply it. This SOS measure helps with insect bites, herpes, cuts and abrasions, sunburn, and other burns. You can also use Aloe vera in a treatment course for acne, dry, sensitive, or blemished skin. For example, create a mask by peeling off the outer skin of a leaf, blending it, and mixing the juice with a teaspoon of curd and honey—done! Or apply the gel pure, let it dry for a short time, then rinse off. These treatments soothe irritations, reduce inflammation, moisturize and calm the skin, smooth, and improve the complexion: Your own home spa—with the beauty elixir from the flowerpot!






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